How can we help you?
It' really about how you can help your child. If we work together, in just a few months you will:
have a clearer picture of what's going on in your child's head
learn how to communicate with your son or daughter in a compassionate, productive way
reconnect with your teen or young adult so they feel supported
create an environment that's conducive to positive behavioral change
re-frame and re-imagine your "normal" in a way that empowers your own growth
feel calmer, more confident, and cared for

Connection is our thing.
We’ve been there. We are intimate with the pain, fear, frustration, sadness, and anger. And we’ve experienced the dramatic impact of a shift in understanding and attitude, the power of thoughtful communication and deepened family connection.
Using a combination of clinically proven approaches including CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training), harm reduction, positive psychology, and effective communication skills, we work with parents to increase understanding about addiction and the fact that behaviors make sense. When you replace your anger, fear, and frustration with compassion and curiosity, you can restore communication, trust, and connection—which will become your superpower.
Wherever your child is in their journey: if their behavior is just starting to concern you; if they are in active addiction; if they're taking steps (such as harm reduction) toward recovery; or if they are currently in or recently out of treatment, we can help you to support them and keep them as safe as possible (while reclaiming your own sanity).